Whales That Walked and Orcas From Another World: The Mind-Boggling Saga of Cetaceans
Michael Bell Michael Bell

Whales That Walked and Orcas From Another World: The Mind-Boggling Saga of Cetaceans

Whales, those massive, graceful denizens of the ocean, hold a story that’s as mind-boggling as it is inspiring. These leviathans didn’t always swim; some of their ancestors once walked the Earth. Over the eons, they “decided” (if evolution could speak) that land wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and so they returned to the sea. Among their kin, orcas, or killer whales, emerge as apex predators with intelligence, culture, and behavior so advanced they feel like visitors from another world.

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The Human Toolbox: A Collection of Strange, Powerful, and Occasionally Amusing Tools Throughout History
humanity, philosophy, innovation Michael Bell humanity, philosophy, innovation Michael Bell

The Human Toolbox: A Collection of Strange, Powerful, and Occasionally Amusing Tools Throughout History

Humanity has always been proud of its cleverness, its knack for turning adversity into opportunity, and its ability to tinker with the universe’s spare parts. But if we were to take a good, honest inventory of our “toolbox,” we’d find that it’s surprisingly compact. There aren’t infinite tools in humanity’s kit; instead, we rely on a peculiar handful of items—each one ancient, quirky, and transformative in its own way.

Let’s take a tour through this toolbox, an eclectic mix of fire, empathy, bacteria, and other oddities that have made humans the dominant—and often baffling—species on this planet.

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